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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Battlefield 3 Video Game Review

For the second time this month I played a hyped up video game series, and for the second straight time I was blown away. Battlefield 3 looks better, sounds better, and plays better than Call of Duty and may unseat the franchise.
Presentation: The game's sound is the best of any shooter I've played ever, and the graphics are breathtaking. This is the most realistic shooter I've played, and EA has helped create one of the best video games of this generation.
Game play: The main difference between the CoD series and the Battlefield series has been the map sizes in multi-player and the length of the campaign. I've found myself thinking that Battlefield is more realistic as you spawn quite a long ways away from the enemy versus Call of Duty where you can run for 10 seconds and pop shot an enemy.
Story: The campaign is quite long and interesting and is right around the same status as CoD in this sense. CoD I think still has the better storyline but the length is what puts Battlefield above CoD.
Bottom Line: Battlefield 3 had alot of hype and for me it lived up to it, I love the fact it has Co-Op mode and the online multiplayer combined with dedicated servers leaves me not wanting to go back to glitchy, laggy CoD online play. I would give this game a 10 out of 10 and hope Activision pulled their heads out of their you no what's and made an A++ Call of Duty this year and if not Battlefield will take its seat at the top of the shooter throne.

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